A little bit about myself.

I'm a creative problem solver with a background in product design. I thrive on the challenge of taking complex ideas and transforming them into user-friendly interfaces. I'm skilled in UI/UX design, prototyping, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to bring products to life. Beyond design, I find life's richness in diverse experiences. Video games offer an escape into fantastical worlds, the vibrant flavors of street food are a constant delight, and exploring on my new Himalayan motorcycle is pure adrenaline.

My Design Process

My creative process is a user-centered dance between understanding needs and unleashing creative solutions.



The journey begins with empathy. I delve deep into user research, understanding the challenges and aspirations of my target audience. This user-centric approach ensures my designs are not just beautiful, but truly solve problems that matter.



From user insights, I craft a clear problem statement. This defines the core challenge we're trying to solve, ensuring my designs address the user's needs and not just assumptions.



This is where the magic happens! The problem statement sparks a burst of creative brainstorming. Through sketching, mind mapping, and even playful experimentation, I explore a multitude of potential solutions, ensuring no innovative idea goes unexplored.



This stage involves creating low-fidelity or high-fidelity prototypes of your design ideas. These prototypes are then tested with users to gather feedback and iterate on the design until a successful solution is reached.