
Dress Your Story

About the Project

This project focuses on revamping a hypothetical clothing e-commerce app called "Closet" to increase online sales. We'll assume Closet has a user base but struggles with conversion rates.

  • Project Type

    Case Study

  • Project Duration

    48 hrs Sprint

Prototype Link

The Problem

Possible reasons for low sales :

  • Undifferentiated user experience: Generic product displays and lack of personalization might make Closet forgettable compared to competitors
  • Poor product discovery: Difficulty finding desired items due to weak filtering and search options
  • Friction in the buying journey: Complex checkout processes or lack of trust signals can deter purchases.

The Goal

Revamping Closet with a focus on :

  • Personalized style inspiration: Leverage user data and preferences to recommend outfits and curate collections
  • Enhanced product discovery: Allow users to filter and search by various attributes (style, occasion, fabric) and integrate visual search using photos
  • Seamless checkout: Streamline the checkout process with guest checkout options and secure payment methods
  • Integrate a 3D / AR clothing visualization feature allowing users to see highly realistic models of clothes on a variety of body types.

The Deliverables :

  • User Research
  • Empathy map
  • Persona
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframe & Visual Design

The Double Diamond Design approach

Empathy map :

The empathy map will visualize user needs, frustrations, and behaviors related to online clothing shopping.

Persona :

Story board : How does it work

Storyboarding is a visual planning tool that helps predict and refine how users will experience a product. (This focuses on the planning and improvement aspect)

User Flow

User flow creation streamlined my understanding of app navigation and task completion.

Information Architecture

The goal of IA is to create a user experience that is intuitive and efficient. Users shouldn't have to waste time hunting for information – they should be able to find what they need quickly and easily.


I tried sketching using CRAZY 8 method. The goal is to push beyond your first idea, frequently the least innovative, and to generate a wide variety of solutions to your challenge.

UI Style Guid

  • I have chosen Orange as my primary color, as Orange comes in a wide range of shades and tones, conveys a powerful message of energy, innovation, and approachability. Our vibrant and energetic approach sets us apart, making every experience with us friendly, approachable, and full of enthusiasm.
  • I have used Sans-Serif typeface "Poppins" as poppins offers a range of weights (thin, light, regular, medium, semi-bold, bold, extra-bold) and includes italics. This allows you to create a clear hierarchy between headings, subheadings, body text, and buttons.

Wireframe & Visual Design
